New Political Theories &Ideas
Veith Selk is a political scientist and social scientist who specializes in political theory and intellectual history. His areas of expertise include the history of political thought, populism, democracy, political ecology, and social conflicts.
In addition to his academic activity, he is involved in civic education and citizen science.
He is currently a visiting professor at the Institute of Social Change and Sustainability, Vienna University of Economics and Business.

New Book:
A critique of the theory of democracy (October 2023)
»Maybe a good idea in theory, but unfortunately not in practice«
In his analytically sharp book, Veith Selk shows why both democratic politics and the democratic theories that accompany it are failing in the face of reality.
The decline of democracy is not due to regression but the result of social evolution. The end of democracy leads to the decline of democratic theory, which becomes anachronistic as a scientific discipline. (Text: Suhrkamp)
- Rezension in der ZEIT von Thomas Assheuer
- Rezension in der REPUBLIK von Daniel Binswanger
- Rezension bei SCOBEL
- Rezension in der FAZ von Christoph Möllers
- Rezension im FALTER 6/24 von Robert Misik
- Rezension bei von Tamara Ehs
- Rezension im Psychologie-Magazin
- Rezension von Frithard Scholz
- Rezension bei soziopolis von Dagmar Comtesse
- Rezension bei Ethik & Gesellschaft von Moritz Fromm
- Rezension bei von Reinhard Mehring
- Rezension bei von Wolfgang Goede
- Rezension im Jahrbuch Extremismus & Demokratie von Isabelle-Christine Panreck (i.E.)
- Rezension Politik & Ökonomie von Matthias Ubl
- Rezension bei von Thore Freitag
- Rezension bei Francia Recensio von Werner Bührer
In the media:
- Interview im ND
- Interview WDR5/Politikum
- Im Gespräch mit Robert Misik im Kreisky-Forum Wien
- Gespräch im TAZ Talk mit Aaron Gebler
- Interview mit SEIN UND STREIT (Stephanie Rohde)
- Diskussion bei DIE NEUEN ZWANZIGER (Stefan Schulz & Wolfgang M. Schmitt)
- So langsam dämmert's. Essay in DIE ZEIT von Lenz Jacobsen
- Guest essay NEW YORK TIMES